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紊????箴???仮薛?莨若??????????羈????с?????????????篋???紊у?????c??か???????ゃ??????????????????羂???篁???????筝???筝????ц??????違?????????c?<???c?????祉?祉???c?????賢????????絅潟?????????鐚?絲???????絅潟??筝??????????????????????????????с??鐚?????ф????筝????祉?????鴻??????????с??鐚?鐚?篋阪??蚊????She loved her husband with all the heart and soul. She started to do much less housework, and started to drift apart from her husband. Before she knew it, she've become what people call an old lady. There must be a lot of mature women like that in this world. I'm sure they are lonely and want to have an affair!


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